Post Baby Body & Workouts

EDITED- My intentions were not to get a bunch of “you look great” comments, but just to share one mom’s journey! The good the bad and the annoyingness of my endorphin and chocolate obsession!

While I’d love to say I’m back to normal… I’m no Barbie.  And, I’m no fan of showing off progress pictures.  Just imagine a baby bump slowly (but hopefully surely) shrinking…

1.  I am 4 weeks out.  I am a few pounds heavier and a few inches jigglier than I’d like to be in the mid-section.  BUT, I am totally embracing it. I have quite the prize to show for it.


I have lost a lot of muscle mass though, so I don’t know for sure how “off” I am.  Just know that I’m not superhuman… I’m off!

2. I continue to eat the same way I did pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy- clean as much as possible, but as much food as much as possible.  Even though, I am no longer growing a life and am no longer nursing a life (PS- Thank you for all your kind words on Facebook regarding that post!) I find that I’m eating just as much because I’m not sleeping as much.

Can food replace sleep?  I’m trying to prove this theory.

I have been continuing the cook things for Gentry and us.  Maybe I still have a baby in there somewhere?!  I made these homemade pop tarts and can’t wait to make them with more fillings because Gentry gobbled them up.


I also bought this on the infomercial aisle of Kroger.  Don’t neglect this aisle people.

We had zucchini pasta and I’m excited to try some more combinations.  I can tell I haven’t been working out though because I’m pretty sure my biceps have never been so sore cranking the zucchini.  Must work on this.  The veggetti claims to save you hundreds of calories by eating veggie pasta rather than regular.  The creators didn’t account for me eating my weight in veggie pasta, however.

3. I am CRAVING a sweat sesh.  I mean a “want to sit on the couch the rest of the day because I worked out so hard at 5AM” sweat sesh.  Ya gotta have some people like this in the world, right?!  I have been walking a 13ish minute mile on the treadmill on an incline.  I have to do something… My neighborhood’s 5K happened on Saturday, which was Gentry’s first race.  She was not entertained by the run AT ALL.


We actually came in last place.  So, technically she can really only go up from here.


Courtesy of Carmen Doherty Photography

This was the BEGINNING of the race 😉

You knew I couldn’t just walk.  Instead I “jogged” it about 3 minutes faster than my walking pace.

All you nurses and doctors out there, I realize I’m only 4 weeks out from major surgery… but I promise I was smart about it.  In fact, so smart that I’m pretty sure I got lapped by several dads coming back to run with their kids and wives.

Plus, I go tomorrow (Monday) to hopefully get cleared.  Keep your fingers crossed for me.  The first workout I’m going to crank out during naptime… tabata.  Any postpartum moms (or anyone trying to lose a few extra lbs) out there- stop jumping on the cardio machines and  get you some interval training.  THE MOST effective way to burn calories.

I promise I’ll make up for all my tabatas with Shyndigz brownie ice cream sandwich.  Must have a balanced life.


But, speaking of running, which I haven’t since May… I’m signed up for the RVA Half Marathon November 15th. Having 8ish weeks to really train should be interesting.  And by “train” I mean praying to God he cues the legs to keep going all 13.1 that Saturday.

Quite the rambling of a post, but just making sure you know we are still alive over here.

And amuse me… I posted this on Instagram wanting a caption and NO ONE responded.  Popularity was never my thing.  So, give me a caption please.  This happened over the weekend.


What was your postpartum or post surgery experience?

Favorite veggitta recipe?

Favorite infomercial?

7 thoughts on “Post Baby Body & Workouts

  1. milesandblessings says:

    I liked this picture on instagram and I made a mental note to think of a good caption and I forgot…ok, now I am thinking :)!!!! I have never heard of tabata and should look it up…I am terrible at cross training even though I know that it would help me! I just bought a spiralizer and need to try it out!!!! I need to try it on veggies too even though I really want to make yummy curly fries :). I can’t wait for RVA!!!!! I just saw a picture of finisher blankets they are passing out….so excited and nervous.

  2. Emily says:

    “Hold tight! It’s gonna be a wild ride!”
    After I had my second, I was back in the gym the day before she was 4 weeks old. I couldn’t stand it any longer, but I didn’t have a c-section with her. I lost so much muscle mass when I was pregnant with my twins it took (what seemed like) forever to get definition back anywhere, but now that they are two, I am stronger and sleeker than ever before. My husband and I are running RVA Half this year. My first time and his first half ever. I’m hoping he slows down a little for me, but I’m also hoping for a PR. Hope to see you there! I’m sure I’ll be decked out in some kind of MRTT gear 🙂

  3. Noel M says:

    “Oh my hero! Save me from that evil dishwasher!” “Hold on tight little lady!”
    And pp workouts… hahaha. Actually, being at the beach last week was a great jump on me getting closer to that. Lots of walks, and pushing a stroller on sand against the wind was a great workout!

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