38 Weeks Pregnant and Recipes

It’s officially my last FULL week of being pregnant.  My C-Section is schedule for next Wednesday… the countdown begins!  So, what have I been doing?


With Gentry, I cooked so many freezer meals for the grown ups.  Then, we ended up being provided with just about every meal, and somehow the frozen didn’t look quite as good as the fresh.  AKA lots of wasted frozen food.  This time around, I’m making a few quick lunch grabs (since I will be home alone during that time) and things for Gentry to munch on.

What have I been making?

This quinoa crunch casserole from Health Tipping Point


My own version of chia bars (kind of)



1 cup rolled oats, 1/3 cup agave, 1/2 cup chocolate pB2, 1/2 cup ground flaxseed, 1 TBS chia seeds, 1/2 cup blueberries.  Mix, form and refrigerate.

These Sweetened Toddler Veggie Muffins adapted from The Kosher Foodies, but minus the sugar.


And these egg muffins, since I eat two eggs atop frozen veggies, tomatoes and avocado every. single. day for lunch.




6-8 eggs, 1 stalk kale, 1 tsp minced garlic, coconut oil spray, 1 cup halved cherry tomatoes, 1 cup diced red pepper and 1 cup cheddar cheese.

Spray muffin tin with coconut oil spray and preheat oven to 375F.  Saute veggies and garlic in pan with coconut spray oil until kale is wilted.  Whisk eggs together in a bowl and add veggies and cheese.  Pour mixture into individual muffin tins and bake for 20 minutes.

Stats for 38 weeks:

Name… we have the first, the middle AND the last.  PHEW.  But, we will tell you August 20th, should all go as planned.

Favorite thing… chocolate + almond butter combo.  I actually made this the other day (minus the sugar) and it was INCREDIBLE.

Double Chocolate Fudge Peanut Butter Buckeye Brownies: http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/2014/07/17/chocolate-peanut-butter-buckeye-brownies/

See, I may be a nutrition coach, but I do love my sweets.  Also loving the end that’s in sight!

Also, loving that I’m getting the baking itch, even though I’m not feeling like eating it so much.  And, Justin is loving that I’m getting the cleaning/organizing itch.  Gentry now has a completely organized craft center, new baby has an organized closet, our pantry is visible and our bathroom is finally sparkly… for now at least.

Least fave thing… not having an appetite post 3PM.  Dinner just rarely happens these days as much as I know I need it.  But, I do manage to scarf down almond chocolate ice cream or the buckeye brownie above, so I am fueling that baby, right?

Workouts… I’ve dropped almost all my classes, just have 1 bootcamp, 1 cycle bootcamp and 1 cycle left until I’m officially on maternity leave.  So, if you go to my Y show up this week pretty please.  I have been managing to get up and do a 30ish minute workout every morning pre-breakfast… tabata style.  I can’t run because steady state just doesn’t feel good.  Pairing a strength arm move with a cardio move tabata style does.  It’s either workout or lay in bed restless.  Oh, another least fave thing… waking up at 4AM every morning.  Guess my body is just training?!

Here is some tabata I’ve been doing:

Push up rows with weights and burpees (wide leg to fit the belly)

Bicep curls and box jumps up the stairs

Plank jacks and mountain climbers

Jumping jacks and resistance band bicep curls

And my dear neighbor and talented photographer Karen took me up to my parents’ house the other evening for a photo shoot.  I have to admit I did NOT want pictures of this belly, but I’m so glad I did now.  If you live in the Richmond area, check Karen out and get her to snap your pictures!  Karen, thanks for letting me borrow these photos and can’t wait for you to photograph baby _____!

maternity1 maternity2

What is your favorite freezer meal?  Any I need to add to the freezer collection?

Pregnant mamas- give me an update!

11 thoughts on “38 Weeks Pregnant and Recipes

  1. Tina Muir says:

    Awww lovely photos, you are the picture of perfect pregnancy, and how exciting! You had a lot of good meals for being this close. Chocolate and almond butter? I wish I had as good as excuse as you for eating that 😛 I loooove almond butter!

  2. Laura @ Mommy Run Fast says:

    Wow- such gorgeous photos! You are one glowing mama! Love that you got the baking and organizing itch- I took advantage of those, too. And now, am doing next to nothing and loving it. 🙂 So excited that you’re almost there!

  3. Jaclyn @ Bumpsweat says:

    Aww, you look beautiful! And August 20th, that’s our due date! I’m dilated & effaced a little bit, so we’ll see when little one decides to come. I got bit by the nesting bug a couple times last week and am hoping the same happens this one. My kitchen could use it this morning 😉

  4. Change of Pace says:

    such stunning photos- I love the belly and am glad you got these beautiful photos!
    Smart to make some easy to grab snacks!
    Good luck on Wednesday!! Can’t wait to hear her lovely name and about how Gentry adjusts!

  5. Elizabeth says:

    I love your pictures! I’m going to try out the toddler veggie muffins with my daughter. It’s hard to get her to eat veggies. Enjoy your last week of pregnancy!

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