Race 13.1

Life has been so hectic I almost forgot this weekend was Race 13.1 Richmond!

I’m still trying to convince some friends to run… hint hint.

Race Week Tips

So, what should you be doing the week before a race.  Well, NOT what I’ve been doing, which includes pretzels

Yea, not as appealing as the other kind.  And GRIT.


Too many fun things are going on at my gym to sit around and taper!


For half marathons, you typically need to start tapering 2 weeks before.  I’d cut back to 66% of your weekly mileage that first week and 33% the week leading into it.  Don’t try anything new, stretch, rest but do shake those legs out on a few easy runs.


Nutrition is more important for marathons, but here is a post I wrote about timing specific nutrients with half marathons.  Just remember, the whole carb loading theory doesn’t really apply to halfs and definitely should not be done the night before.  Who doesn’t love running with a little extra bloat?

HYDRATE. That is the single most important piece I can give you. Don’t go water boarding yourself, but keep that water bottle with you!


Relax.  Yes, it’s hard to do that when you are chasing PRs, attempting your first go at 13 miles or just anxious for that post-race beer 😉 It’s more important that you get a good night sleep two nights out from the race.  So, no need to worry about tossing or turning the night before.  You can crash post race.

Mental training during the race is actually more important than the physical training.  Your mental limitations kick in WELL before your physical ones.  Some suggestions…

Sounds cliche, but write motivational phrases on your hand/watch/something you can easily see.  Write a few different ones to keep things fresh and more motivating.

Visualize why you’re running.  Kids, family members, a cause… those images can be a very powerful tool.

When all else fails, tune into Eminem


Always pay attention to the weather.  I’m a huge cold weather fan.  I love my skirt and compression sock combo.


However, the high on Saturday is in the 80s.  Really anything out of the 50s will start to mess with your pace, so my plan is to ditch the socks, even though I HATED doing that here.  Hot running is just not my thing.

Hoping to have a recap up early next week.  If you’re in Richmond and debating on doing it, just come out.  There’s a 5K and 10K too if 13 is not your thing.  Plus, you get to run around the race track.  When will you ever get to do that legally again?

And don’t forget to enter my SOYBU giveaway HERE!


What is your race week ritual?

7 thoughts on “Race 13.1

  1. Cheryl K says:

    I usually taper maybe the week before a half. I have one next weekend, and I hope to do a long run Friday or Saturday, and then taper from there…It just got warm here this week, and I have to increase my water intake!
    Good luck this weekend! Have a great race!

  2. Dr. J says:

    My family is in Richmond! I’ve run all around that town 🙂

    I done several races over the years, but since I run for life not to compete I do not change my running for races at all. That said, I was pretty fast at my best running half marathons at about a 7:15 pace. If I was running shorter races, I would run to the race, do the race, then run home, lol

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